Ðây là Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài 194. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Mở đầu bài học, quí vị nghe lại phần Culture Tips về cách mua vé máy bay rẻ, trước khi nghe và trả lời phần True or False, Ðúng hay Sai. Larry trả lời câu hỏi: I travel by air frequently. How can I save on airline tickets? First, you can join a frequent flyer club. Airlines give special deals to customers who fly often. Another way to save money is to check for the lowest fares on the Internet. And finally, try to purchase your tickets ahead of time, if possible.
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Culture Tips: Airline Tickets
Larry: Culture Tips
This Culture Tip answers the question: “How can I save on airline tickets?”
You can usually get a big discount if you buy your ticket a few months ahead of time. Bạn có thể được giảm giá nhiều nếu bạn mua vé vài tháng trước khi đi.
Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.
Today’s e-mail question is, “I travel by air frequently.”
“How can I save money on airline tickets?”
Gary: There are several things that you can do.
First, you can join a “frequent flyer club.”
Eliz: Can you tell us more about that?
Gary: Sure.
Well, all airlines want repeat business.
Eliz They want their customers to fly on their airline most of the time, and not on another airline.
Gary: Right. So they give special deals to customers who fly frequently, who fly often.
On many airlines, you get a free ticket after you fly twenty-five thousand miles, if you are a member of their frequent flyer club.
Eliz: That’s not bad!
Gary: Another way to save money is to check for the lowest fares on the Internet.
There are Internet sites that list fares from all the airlines.
You can compare prices.
Eliz: That’s a great idea!
Gary: And finally, try to purchase your tickets ahead of time, if possible.
You can usually get a big discount if you buy your ticket a few months ahead of time.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary! That’s very useful information.
Now let’s take a short break.
Vietnamese Explanation
Bây giờ, quí vị nghe một câu rồi tuỳ ý nghĩa bài đã học mà trả lời Ðúng hay Sai, True or False.
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Language Focus: True/False
Larry: True or False.
Eliz: Most airlines want repeat business.
(pause for answer)
Eliz: True. They want their customers to use their airline most of the time.
Eliz: It’s a good idea to buy your tickets a few months ahead of time.
(pause for answer)
Eliz: True. You can often get a big discount.
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong đoạn tới, quí vị nghe mẩu Ðàm thoai Thương mại Business Dialog, trong đó cô Martina dự tính sẽ đi công tác sang Âu châu. Martia is planning her business trip to Europe. Cô đang giải thích những chi tiết cho người phụ tá của cô là anh Albert. She is explaining the details to her assistant, Albert. The twenty-third=ngày hăm ba. To leave/left/left=rời (động từ bất quí tắc.) When are you planning to leave London? Hôm nào thì cô rời Luân Ðôn? Negotiation=sự thương lượng. If the negotiations go well, I’ll go to Paris on the twenty-eighth.=nếu cuộc thương lượng suôi sẻ thì tôi sẽ đi Pa-ri hôm hăm tám. I plan to stay in Paris a little over a week.=tôi dự tính sẽ ở Pa-ri hơn một tuần. Then I’m going to visit friends in the South of France for several days.=rồi tôi sẽ thăm bạn ở miền Nam nước Pháp trong nhiều ngày. On the other hand.=mặt khác.
Nhận xét: ta thường dùng nhóm chữ này khi so sánh hai ý tương phản: On the one hand…một mặt…On the other hand…mặt khác. Thí dụ: On the one hand, information on the Internet is free.=một mặt thì tin tức trên liên mạng Internet không mất tiền. On the other hand, some souces of information are not reliable.=mặt khác, vài nguồn tin tức không đáng tin cậy.
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Business Dialog: Discussing Future Plans
Larry: Business Dialog
Martina is planning her business trip to Europe.
She is explaining the details to her assistant Albert.
I’ll be in the hotel by eight p.m. if you need to call me. Tôi sẽ ở khách sạn trước 8 giờ tối, nếu anh muốn gọi điện thoại cho tôi.
Eliz: Let’s listen to today’s Business Dialog.
Martina is planning her business trip to Europe.
She is explaining the details to her assistant Albert.
SFX: office
Martina: ... OK. So I fly to London on the twenty-third.
I’ll be in the hotel by eight p.m. if you need to call me.
Albert: And when are you planning to leave London?
Martina: Well... if the negotiations go well, I’ll go to Paris on the twenty-eighth.
I plan to stay in Paris a little over a week.
I should be able to leave Paris by the eighth... the eighth of November.
Then I’m going to visit friends in the South of France for several days.
Albert: And when do you return home?
Martina: I’ll probably return on the twelfth, or possibly the thirteenth.
On the other hand, I may decide to stay!
Albert: I won’t tell the boss you said that.
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, ta nghe những câu nói về dự tính tương lai, future plans. Ta có thể dùng present tense hay will, hay be going to. Như ba câu sau đây đều chỉ tương lai: I fly to London on the twenty-third. I will fly to London on the twenty-third. I’m going to fly to London on the twenty-third. Nếu chưa chắc, ta dùng I should be able to: I should be able to leave Paris by the eighth of November.=Có lẽ tôi sẽ rời Paris hôm mồng tám tháng 11.
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Focus on Functions: Future Plans
Larry: Focus on Functions: Future Plans
Larry: Listen carefully.
Eliz: I fly to London on the twenty-third.
Eliz: I’ll be in the hotel by eight p.m.
Eliz: I’ll go to Paris on the twenty-eighth.
Eliz: I plan to stay in Paris a little over a week.
Eliz: I should be able to leave Paris by the eighth of November.
Eliz: I’m going to visit friends in the South of France.
Vietnamese Explanation
Trong phần tới, ta nghe Gary mách giúp về những cách nói những câu chỉ dự định tương lai. Có những cách nói như: dung động từ Plan to (tôi dự tính sẽ…); I’m going to …hay I will hay I’ll (tôi sẽ…). Nếu chưa chắc, ta có thể dùng I should be able to, hay I may…I might… (tôi có thể sẽ…)
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Gary’s Tips: Future Plans
Larry: Gary’s Tips.
Gary discusses future plans.
Eliz: Now it’s time for Gary’s Tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I’ll be talking about future plans.
The English language has many ways to talk about the future.
For example, at the beginning of today’s Business Dialog, Martina says, “I fly to London on the twenty-third.”
In this case, “I fly” means about the same thing as “I’ll fly” or “I’m going to fly.”
Let’s listen:
Martina: ... OK. So I fly to London on the twenty-third.
I’ll be in the hotel by eight p.m. if you need to call me.
Gary: Another way to talk about the future is to use the expression “plan to,” as in the following exchange:
Albert: And when are you planning to leave London?
Martina: Well... if the negotiations go well, I’ll go to Paris on the twenty-eighth.
I plan to stay in Paris a little over a week.
Gary: In talking about the future, you can use “I will” or “I’ll” when you have a definite plan.
If you’re not sure of your plans, you can use another expression, such as “may,” “might,” or “should,” as in this example:
Martina: I should be able to leave Paris by the eighth... the eighth of November.
Then I’m going to visit friends in the South of France for several days.
Gary: Martina says she is going to visit friends in France.
The expression “going to” is another good way to talk about the future.
So, as you can see, there are many different ways to talk about the future in English.
I hope today’s tips have been helpful!
We’ll see you again next time!
Eliz: Thanks, Gary!
FIB Closing
Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!
Vietnamese Explanation
Quí vị vừa học xong bài 194 trong Chương Trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.